About Us

Founder and owner Dalton L Smith as a sixteen-year-old high school sophomore and freshman in college decided to go to the local automotive store and buy some cheap over the counter window tint and try his hand on tinting his windows on his first car. Prior to attempting his own car. He felt he had to do a practice window, so he tested his future to learn skill on his father’s 1972 VW Beetle side window. He then tinted his own car.

After tinting his own car his other high school friends began asking him if he would tint their cars. When this started happening, his father’s coworker had a buddy who had owned a tint shop at one point in his life, so he asked his coworker if he could see if this gentleman could show Dalton how to tint and what other skills he could learn. This started Dalton on the road to creating and owning Smith Tinting LLC. So, he started researching what different tint options were out there and what it will take to open his business. He investigated different plotters available and if there were any programs to help cut tint or if he was going to remain a freehand cutter. Found a very reasonable plotter online, purchased that.

Setup an account with a company offering templates, started with a certain type of tint, began learning the terminology, the types of tools and every aspect of what is needed to become a good tint installer. Dalton set up his business license, bank account (because of his age needed dad to be a custodial account), whole distributors accounts, insurance and continued to learn what was needed to open a business. Dalton setup his website, came up with a logo, bought business cards, door hangers, T-shirts and started to brand himself. He started that year looking into getting trained in window tinting. different types of automotive accessories associated with tinting. Over the next three years he started attending schools.

He attended a basic tint school in Jacksonville Florida, following year attended a wrapping school in New Jersey and the latest school he attended was a Paint protection school (PPF) located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Being homeschooled, he also took on a job working for Chick-Fil-A. Where while working the drive through there was this one owner of a painting company every day, he saw Dalton would ask him to come to work for him. One day, he went to an interview with him and took the job, which paid him more then his CFA job did. He worked for this gentleman for about a year, but the hours were very long, and it became a six day a week job, so he started looking into another business that would give him more time off to focus on his business.

Then he took a job with a construction company. 7am to 3pm, so he worked there for about a year and a half, until he was able to leave that job and work his business full time.

At the age of eighteen, when he graduated high school, he was starting his junior year of college. He was raised to never buy something that you can’t afford. At this point in his life he had, his business starting to become consistent enough to become his full-time job. When his father asked, what would you like to do, he said I want to work my business instead of attending college. His father supported him 100% in his decision to be his own boss.

Dalton is well grounded when it comes to his finances. He will not purchase anything personal on credit. At this time in his life, he at the age of eighteen bought his first piece of land, a half-acre in Florida (Paid off). Owns his 2012 Chevrolet Camaro, which he has wrapped, and windows tinted. At the age of nineteen he purchased his 2003 Chevrolet 4×4 Truck, which he has lifted, tinted and just recently put Paint Protection Film on. He has been operating now for four years. There is pretty much nothing that he cannot tint or is not willing to learn to tint.

Four years later at the age of twenty, Dalton is school trained in Window Film, Wrapping vehicles and Paint Protection Film. There is pretty much no type of window he hasn’t tinted. From Commercial, Residential, Vehicle, Marine, Agriculture. His first Commercial Job was a firehouse that had 561 windows, since then he has done a Hospital, a dental practice, a national Bookstore, Barber shops. Smith Tinting LLC will travel to your location and tint your car or boat, where you don’t have to always bring it to the shop. Now that wraps and PPF are being offered the company is at a point where it needs to grow, and it can’t be a one man show no more. That being said, Dalton has asked his father and mother if they could help him with expanding his business. Little did he know that his father had been listening to Clay Clark’s Thrivetime show for the past three years. So, his father decided that since the money for college could be much better spent learning how to grow a business from men who have done this for most of their adult lives and who themselves are multi-millionaires, what better way to invest in your son’s education then to reach out to Clay and see if we would be a good fit. We are very excited to work with Clay and his team, Andrew, has been assigned as our business coach and we are looking forward to growing and learning from those who have already found the answer. When Dalton started this business, it was in the height of the Pandemic which made it stressful to say the least. Smith Tinting LLC survived starting in that time in this country’s history and is really looking forward to how it can grow to the next level through men who have already found a proven system of doing that exact thing. Why reinvent the wheel?